God provided a way that He might bring the believers to a rapturing faith: God’s way, his provided way to bring believers to rapturing faith.
63-0115 Accepting God’s Provided Way At The End Time
Dear Brothers and Sisters
We would like to invite you to the annual meetings around God’s Word. If the Lord let us, the meetings will be held in the resort „UROCZYSKO” in Zwierzyń 19, 38-623 Uherce Mineralne, Poland on 30.04.-3.05.2022.
Anyone who wants to listen to the Word of God is welcome.
Bro. Josh Bennett (USA) will lead the services with the Word of God.
30.04. Saturday:
- 17:00 – service
- 20:00 – dinner
1.05. Sunday:
- 8:00 – breakfast
- 10:00 – service
- 13:30 – lunch
- 17:00 – service
- 20:30 – dinner
2.05. Monday:
- 8:00 – breakfast
- 10:00 – service
- 13:30 – lunch
- 17:00 – service
- 20:30 – dinner
3.05 Tuesday:
- 7:30 – breakfast
- 9:30 – service
- 14:30 – lunch
Services begin with songs.
+ adults: PLN 100 / day (accommodation – PLN 42; lunch – PLN 22; breakfast and dinner for PLN 18 each)
+ 6-18 years old: PLN 80 / day (accommodation – PLN 30; lunch – PLN 20; breakfast and dinner for PLN 15 each)
+ 3-5 years old: PLN 50 / day (accommodation – PLN 25; lunch – PLN 10; breakfast and dinner for PLN 7.50 each)
+ up to 3 years old: accommodation – free (if the bed linen is used: PLN 30); lunch – free; breakfast and dinner: free
We start our meetings with accommodation on April 30, 2022 (Saturday) at 3:00 p.m. and end on May 3, 2022 (Tuesday) with lunch at 1:00 p.m.
Services in Zwierzyń will be broadcast live on the website www.iwonicz.branham.pl
The Organizers
The church in Wola Piotrowa
The church in Gliwice
If you want to attend the services, please submit your application:
Resort address:
Zwierzyń 19
38-623 Uherce Mineralne